Export the BallotTrax Ballot Status File

The BallotTrax Ballot Status file lists the date each ballot was delivered for a selected election as well as the current ballot status, returned processing date and, when applicable, referral reason.

Note: The Master Voter file must first be exported and uploaded in BallotTrax before completing this procedure.

To export the Ballot Status file:

  1. If needed, change the election focus to the applicable Active election.
  2. Go to ELECTIONS > Election Utilities > BallotTrax > Ballot Status File.
  3. Select Ballot Status File and click Export.
  4. Leave the default file location (either C:\Documents or your last selected location) and/or default file name (BTVbmStatusYYYY-MM-DD{time}) or select a different location and/or name, and then save the file in CSV format.

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